Sunday, May 24, 2009

slo is a bitch with age

got written up (finally?) but i still dislike it >:(.
i thought lauren and i would only get written up for "sports in the hall" (aka kicking a soccer ball into other people's rooms) BUT NO. i seriously thought i could go this whole year without a record, but that's only wishful thinking (plus i'm just totally badass).
so, instead: what up iphone pics?

a klepto in ~action (aka Alison) write her up!

now she's really looking for cats

a children's book -__-

The Jug in action!

oh hai ;)

my "friends" (yeah...i know, don't worry, i just bowl with them)

my head wear costume

some hot guyz from bare feet;) (i know them!)

tomorrows bad seeds (without apostrophe) were sooooooo good.

soooooooo that's cool and all, but i don't like getting written up -______-


  1. why would there be an apostrophe? there is no ownership. parenthesis content, unnecessary.

  2. wouldn't "tomorrow" be the ownership of "bad seeds"?
